
Tome of Adventure Design

Created by Mythmere Games

A system-neutral sourcebook for designing fantasy adventures, usable with 5e D&D and other fantasy roleplaying tabletop games.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

about 2 years ago – Sun, Apr 24, 2022 at 09:38:06 PM

The Kickstarter has now ended, with results FAR above what we had ever imagined, and that’s saying something, because imagining stuff is what we do! Thank you to all of our backers; you are wonderful, and now it’s our job to deliver a phenomenal resource to you. We are assembling the BackerKit survey now, which should go out in a couple of days. The PDF should be ready to distribute very shortly; we’re still waiting for two art pieces and once those are put in, we will do (yet one more) proofreading run to make sure no errors crept into the document. Stay tuned; we will keep everyone posted. Thank you again for your support; you have not only funded this book but also put us on track to produce many more!

We are adding more art
about 2 years ago – Sat, Apr 23, 2022 at 02:59:28 PM

Based on how well we are doing with the Kickstarter (thank you!!), we have started ordering some additional art for the book, to replace some of the more generic pieces in the original layout. This will not delay the delivery of the pdf to backers, and it means that the book will be better-looking and closer to our vision of a "perfect" Tome of Adventure Design. Since the layout of the book is already completed, and the new pieces are being ordered for specific locations, there is still plenty of time to put them in before the Kickstarter surveys are returned and we begin fulfillment. It also allows us to put some of the money from a successful Kickstarter back into the hands of freelance artists, who provide so much of the vision and energy for our gaming imaginations!

--Matt and Suzy

Update 2
about 2 years ago – Sat, Apr 23, 2022 at 02:59:04 PM

We aren’t going to send many updates during the course of the Kickstarter, because we don't want to over-contact everyone. We'll post the less relevant update-type material in the blog section of our website. However, we’d like to say “thank you” again to all of you who have backed the Kickstarter thus far, and take a moment to thank and promote three other projects by friends of ours.

Luke Gygax has been a great friend to myself and Suzy over the years, and he has a Kickstarter that is running almost concurrently with this one. Please take a look at it here. It's an adventure called The Heart of Chentoufi, by Luke and Matt Everhart, and it looks excellent.

Also, James Shields is an artist who has been in our games and supporting others in the industry for many years, and he is working with an STL sculptor to produce monsters from his artwork. If you use a 3D printer, this is a Kickstarter worth checking out

Finally, although they don’t currently have a Kickstarter running, we’d like to do a shout-out to Oldskull Publishing, for all their help in letting people know that this Kickstarter was getting ready for launch. They are going to have a neat-looking product out soon, a prehistoric “Stone and Sorcery” setting/resource.

Huge thanks also to all of those who shared and helped spread the word about Tome of Adventure Design, including Jeff Talanian (Northwind Adventures), Rocky Gardner and Ian McGarty (Silver Bulette), Jim Wampler (Mudpuppy Games), Levi Combs (Planet X Games), Stefan Pokorny (Dwarven Forge), Ben Barsh and Bill Barsh (Pacesetter Games), Skeeter Green (Skeeter Green Productions) and many others!

Thank you all again for your support!

Matt and Suzy

about 2 years ago – Sat, Apr 23, 2022 at 02:58:19 PM

What an incredible response!  

Funded in one hour and 20 minutes!

Thank you to ALL of our backers!  We are very grateful to each of you for your support and positive feedback.

We will keep you posted here and via Mythmere Games email newsletters as the project progresses.


--Matt & Suzy